9:30 AM TO 1:00 PM (45.00 INCLUSIVE HST)
Almost everyone who comes to yoga classes initially comes trying to find a way to make life more satisfying either physically through the stretching and strengthening poses that are a large part of this practice, or find some calm amidst the busy pace of everyday life and to help deal with the accompanying stress. Possible a spiritual quest or other reasons.
There are two comments I come across frequently "I have no time"; the other "I'm not sure of what to do, and I forget how to do it"
In this seminar we will come to grips with these two issues. Therefore for a considerable time we will focus on three short practices, each considerably shorter than 10 minutes, each affecting multiple areas of the body. Each practice is done separately, each affecting multiple and different areas of the body. This I feel will address the "I have no time" and "I'm not sure what to do, and I forget how to do it"
There will be handouts with detailed instructions, and stick figures to clearly illustrate these 3 practices. We'll explore how they lay the groundwork for deepening our practice with some standing poses, backbends and rotations.
I've called this workshop Yoga-Consistency-Change. In order for Yoga to be effective there has to be Consistency, if there is Consistency there will be Change. During my last trip to India yoga practice was consistent, changes happened, physically mentally and emotionally. These 3 short practices set the tone every day, so come out if you can, let's get into it.
We had an excellent turnout to our last workshop. However there were some who registered but did not come, so this time around I will have to ask for a $20.00 deposit in advance. It goes without saying if you notify me 3-4 days in advance I will refund your deposit. You can pay this deposit in a class, send an e mail transfer to,, or mail a cheque to me at 33 Mountain St, Grimsby, L3M3J9
For those who have limited experience, this is an opportunity to dig deeper into this vast wonderful practice. For those who have been practicing for some time, it is a chance to re-examine and deepen their understanding. I'm looking forward to this day and hope you'll join me
I hope to have my website up sometime this weekend, there is a name change to . I will send out a reminder regarding our spring classes which will begin on April 8 I leave for Florida and Mississippi on March 14. In the meantime you can join our classes anytime and I will pro-rate your fees
“And pluck till time and times are done.
The silver apples of the moon.
The golden apples of the sun.”